Trail Talk: Think Spring

Safety and Maintenance Director, Bill Prall

I’m writing this down today, Feb. 20. March 20 is our official first day of Spring! Yippie!!

Now, all of us Northern Michiganders know that the weather could be anything but spring-like that day. But at least we can hope for some sign of a new season. For many trail cyclists it’s a welcome time of year.

Recreational cross-country skiers had a less than wonderful ski season and have a lot of pent up trail desire that spring trail cycling will seek to cure.

Once the snow and icy trail sections melt off and clear we will begin to do trail work to incorporate new trail signage, litter clean up, surface repair, and trail brushing as needed.

And, as always, we will be asking for volunteer help to get the trails back into good condition from winter’s wear and tear.

Spring Lake Park, a favorite starting trailhead for many LTW and NWST bicyclists, will open when the snow and ice have left. Typically, this is just before or by May 1.

Now is a great time to visit your favorite local bicycle shop for a spring bicycle tune-up. Beat the rush! Get some new cycling clothing, cycling shoes, a new helmet or – what the heck! – maybe even a new bicycle to get you fired up for a great start to your 2023 bicycling season.

A bicycle cycle computer is a great source of training information. Most of them include speed, trip distance, average speed, maximum speed, and an odometer for total cumulative mileage. It can be a great inspiration for getting and keeping you going when you’re trying to achieve any training fitness goals you may set for yourself. Bike computers are one of the best bicycle accessories.

And of course, don’t forget to have a bell mounted on the left hand side of your handlebar and a left bar end rearview mirror. Both are essential bicycle accessories when cycling on the LTW and the NWST.

Your local bicycle shop will help you with all these items and they will appreciate your support. After all, they support your trails!

So, get ready, get excited, and prepare for the trails!

Here at the Top of Michigan Trails Council we sure are!

Happy Trails!
