The Top of Michigan Cycling Map is the newest edition to our great resources for trail use and cycling in Northern Lower Michigan. Through input from cyclist, bike shop owners and trail enthusiasts, we bring you great suggestions for any of your biking adventures. To gravel biking, mountain biking, and road riding options, we have something for everyone.

We’ve even included GPX points for more detail. Here are the links to our map routes on Strava.

Road Route Options:
1. Ride Around Torch
2. Bellaire Blast
3. Upper Chain of Lakes Loop
4. Take on Mt. Bliss
5. Take on “The Wall”
6. The Charx
7. Joy Valley Loop
8. Hills and Flats
9. Tunnel of Trees
10. Sturgeon Bay/Cross Village Loops
11. Starker Mann Loop
12. Otsego Lake and Michaywe
13. Black Lake and River Run
14. Ocqueoc (Can you say it) Loop
15. Metz Fire Run
16. Sinkhole Loop
17. Presque Isle and Grand Lake Loop
18. Long Lake Loop
19. Find the King
20. Twin Lakes Loop

Gravel Routes
G1. MMM Gravel Grinder
G2. Beaver Island
G3. Bois Blanc Island

A special thanks to the Great Lakes Energy People Fund, the DALMAC Fund, and the Petoskey Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation for grant funding to help produce this map.