04 Apr Trail update: Burt Lake Trail
April 2018 (Map here: burt-lake-trail)
The Burt Lake Trail Committee, with the experienced grant writing assistance of OHM Advisors (a Petoskey-based civil engineering firm), is taking a big step forward with the submission of grant requests this spring to the DNR Trust Fund and MDOT/ Transportation Alternatives Fund for grants to construct Phases III and IV of the trail in 2020. Working with OHM, analysis of two alternatives led to the lowest cost by combining the two phases.
Phase III is a continuation of the trail off-road along East Burt Lake Road from Riggsville Rd to Birchwood Rd and will be a 1.5 mile paved, separated trail. Phase IV will continue on East Burt Lake Rd from Birchwood Rd to Mullett-Burt Rd and will be 1.5 miles of paved 6-foot shoulders on each side of the road, which will be coordinated with the planned reconstruction of this portion of East Burt Lake Rd in 2020.
Phase II of the trail is awaiting the completion of an archaeological study and the final legal description of the U of M easement. Both are anticipated to be completed in May. Then construction bids can be obtained, probably in June, with one selected in July. This would mean construction could start sometime in August or later in the fall. The start date will be determined when working with the contractor. Phase II will be 1.8 miles of paved, separated trail that runs from West Burt Lake Rd at Hogsback to East Burt Lake Rd at Riggsville Rd.
Phase V of the trail was completed in the summer of 2017 working with the Cheboygan County Road Commission. This portion consists of 5-foot paved shoulders running along Mullett-Burt Rd between East Burt Lake Rd (at Hoppies) and Topinabee Mail Route Rd.
Former TOMTC board member Connie Vorenkamp was part of the original planning committee for the Burt Lake Trail. Current board member Margie Reh serves on the committee at this time.