04 Apr Trail update: Boyne Valley Trailway
April 2018 (Map here)
The Boyne Valley Trailway Committee has planned a trail through the Boyne River Valley that will connect Boyne City with Boyne Falls and the Boyne Mountain Resort. In addition, it will connect five schools with a non-motorized recreation trail that will accommodate pedestrians, runners, cross country skiers, snowshoers and cyclists at all times of the year.
All of the necessary property has been acquired or easements provided through partnerships with the City of Boyne City, Boyne Falls Village, Boyne Valley Township and Boyne Mountain Resort. In addition, the Trailway Committee is pleased to report that all necessary funds have been secured, through private donations and grants, so that construction can be completed in 2019.
Most of this paved trail will follow the abandoned Boyne City – Alpena Railroad through the forest along the Boyne River, and will provide an alternative to the automobile as a means of transportation. The Trailway will create possibilities for healthy exercise for our citizens and our vacationing tourists.
In Boyne City this trail will connect to the Boyne City-Charlevoix Trail and the rest of the Top of Michigan Trails Council trail network.
Updated by Michael Sheean, BVT Committee member and TOMTC board member